Beyond Delta Consulting

Business Solutions

Call now for more information: +44 (0) 7774 190073

or email:

Experience Counts

Business Process Improvement


Business Processes evolve and develop over time, often new steps are added, but rarely are they removed, this can result in inefficiency, loss of control and reductions in quality. We can help your business by looking at the ‘bigger picture’ and ‘drilling down’ into the process detail. Working with your people we can review and improve individual processes or the full end-to-end workflow of your organisation.


Process analysis services include:

  • Current Process Mapping

  • Future State Mapping

  • Workshop Facilitation

  • Requirements Gathering

  • Process Re-engineering

  • To-Be Process Management

  • Test Planning, Preparation and Execution

  • Process implementation and monitoring



Change Management


Resistance to change can be a powerful force in any organisation, people prefer the ‘comfort’ of the ‘as is’ state, to move to new ways of doing business requires a structured Change Management approach. In order to make a smooth transition and to realise project/change benefits as quickly as possible we provide full support to your people at all levels in your business.


Change management services include:

  • ‘As is’ v ‘to be’ assessment

  • Change Leadership support

  • Communications strategy and planning

  • Communication development and delivery

  • Resistance mapping and mitigation

  • Organisational Design

  • Performance Management

It starts with a "maybe?", a "what if?" or a "we could do this better!"...

the future of your business begins here...

Beyond Delta

Better Solutions

Project Management


All business changes benefit from structured planning; our wide experience in the delivery of system and people projects can support your business through these activities. We include IT implementations, cost reduction programs, organisational restructure, leadership team development and working.

Project management services include:

  • Project definition and scoping

  • Project planning and management

  • Project resource engagement and management

  • Stakeholder Engagement

  • Budget Tracking and Analysis

  • Risk identification, tracking and mitigation

  • Project ‘Go-live’ coordination

  • Post ‘Go-Live’ monitoring


Our Mission

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Building Business

To support businesses that want to grow, that want to move to the next level, we want to guide you through the change, to be the business you can be.



We know that managing a business is challenging, keeping a focus on the bottom line can sometimes mean that you miss the opportunities to remove cost and drive growth.

We work with companies to give that extra dimension, that fresh pair of eyes, to ask, to challenge and guide you, helping you see through the day to day and to identify the real winners that will deliver real business benefit.

We are a ‘hands on’, no frills consultancy, that will deliver business change by working with you in partnership to provide simple clear vision of what is possible for your business.


Our Approach

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Working Together


We understand business and people, to support your growth  we must understand your business and your people:

 - We need to understand you and your business, how you do things now and how you want the future to be.

 - We will clarify your objectives and opportunities.

 - We will agree the best way forward to deliver results.

 - We will to set out a plan that can deliver the anticipated benefits


Our location

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Manchester Based


Being located in Manchester makes it easy for us to support companies all over the UK, however, we also have the flexibility to work anywhere in  Europe or Globally.

Our experience includes operating in:











Czech Republic




